Category: ALA herbarium outreach

Ickert-Bond Lab: systematics meets ecology, paleontology, and genomics

Botanizing in the Madrean Sky Islands of Arizona

Spend a few days collecting in Southeastern Arizona exploring the northwestern face of the Santa Rita Mountains – Madera Canyon. The Santa Rita Mountains is one of the Madrean Sky Islands in Arizona. These sky islands are one of the most diverse inland archipelagos formed by the confluence of two mountainous spines of North America: 1)…
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Shawnee Gowan at MSU – Crustose lichen ID 101

M.S. student Shawnee Gowan is spending a week at the Michigan State University Herbarium (MSC) working with Dr. Alan Friday on crustose lichen ID.  The MSU collections are first class and total nearly 110,000 accessioned lichen specimens from many regions of the world, including excellent specimens Dr. Henry A. Imshaug made from nunataks in the Juneau ice…
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Ethnobotany videos

Check out the ethnobotany video series that documentary filmmaker Sarah Betcher has put together. Watch the whole series: Funded by NSF grant #1546438 to Steffi Ickert-Bond (PI) and Sarah Betcher (Co-PI).

Congrats to the grads

Several lab members were wrapping things up this semester. Congrats to Jordan Metzgar for finishing his Ph.D. degree, to Monte Garroutte for defending his M.S. thesis and to Mackenzie Stamey for completing her undergraduate degree in Biological Sciences. Great job everybody!