Ickert-Bond Lab: systematics meets ecology, paleontology, and genomics

Rural Alaska Honors Institute (RAHI):

Our lab has been involved in the Rural Alaska Honor’s Institute (RAHI) since 2009 and we have hosted a number of students. RAHI provides rural and Alaska Native high school students with the opportunity to immerse themselves in the college experience for six weeks by working alongside graduate students and faculty mentors in the laboratory, visiting field sites and examining specimens in the herbarium.  Students familiarize themselves with laboratory procedures, submit PCR products for sequencing, analyze data and reconstruct phylogenetic relationships based on morphological and molecular data to test hypotheses of relationships.

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Angela Bagoyo, Sitka High School – RAHI-2 participant – Studying speciation between Cryptogramma brunoniana and Cryptogramma raddeana.

Allyson Wukovich, Nome-Beltz High School – RAHI-2 participant – Is Cryptogramma acrostichoides undergoing speciation?

Roberta G. Walker, Unalakleet School – RAHI-2 participant – – Finding genetic relationships worldwide among Cryptogramma stelleri populations.


Ryanne Braselton, Lathrop High School – Genetic differences in the genus Claytonia L. in Noatak National Preserve.

Brianna Gilmore, West Valley High School – RAHI-2 participant – Genetic variation and speciation in Alaskan Claytonia.


Marina Anderson, Craig High School – RAHI-2 partipant – Claytonia: Species Divergence of C. scammaniana, C. sarmentosa, and C. arctica sensu Porsild in Alaska.

Britney Casperson, Metlakatla High School – RAHI-2 partipant – Eritrichium in Alaska

Courtney-Jay Knowles, Valdez High School – RAHI-2 partipant – Eritrichium in Alaska,

Robert Doering, Cold Bay School, RAHI-2 partipant – Distinguishing Claytonia scammaniana from other Claytonia species in Alaska.


Caite Green, Nikiski High School, RAHI-2 partipant – Eritrichium in Alaska.

Samantha Wilson, Craig High School, RAHI-2 partipant – Eritrichium in Alaska.


Billy Kozevnikoff, RAHI-2 partipant – Phylogenetics of Loco-weed (Fabaceae).